Хостинг игровых серверов Empire-Host.org

Config.cfg Rust Extended

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Версия от 14:54, 7 августа 2014; Nikita (обсуждение | вклад)

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Расположение файла

Файл распологается в директории cfg/RustExtended.


  • Все параметры задаются после хештега [SERVER].
  • Формат <параметр>=<значение>

Описание параметров

Основные параметры

Параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
ServerName SERVER Имя сервера в чате
PremiumConnections 0 Количество резервных слотов
SleepersLifeTime 300 Время в секундах, спустя которого игрок засыпает, после выхода с сервера.
DecayObjects true Разрушение объектов в игре (true/false)
ShutdownTime 120 Время в секундах, спустя которое сервер выключается, после применения команды /shutdown
RestartTime 120 Время в секундах, спустя которое сервер выключается, после применения команды /restart
AutoShutdown 0 Автоматическое выключение сервера спустя заданное время в минутах (0 - выкл).
AutoRestart 0 Автоматическая перезагрузка сервера спустя заданное время в минутах (0 - выкл).

Параметры Steam

Параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
Steam.SetModded true Задать флаг "Modded" на мастер сервере Steam
Steam.SetOfficial true Задать флаг "Official" на мастер сервере Steam
Steam.FakeOnline 0 Фейковый онлайн.
Steam.Favourite не задан Добавить сервер в избранное. Пример Steam.Favourite=


Параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
SavePath serverdata\ Директория для сохранений (пользователи, черный список и т.д.).
LogsPath serverdata\logs\ Директория для логирования.

Переопределение значений

Параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
Override.Loots false Переопределение лута из файла "RustOverride\LootsList.cfg"
Override.Items false Переопределение предметов из файла "RustOverride\ItemsList.cfg"
Override.Spawns false Переопределение точек возрождения игроков из файла "RustOverride\SpawnsList.cfg"


Параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
Generate.Source serverdata\cfg\templates\server.html Файл шаблона для статистики.
Generate.Output serverdata\cfg\templates\server.html Файл, который будет сгенерирован со статистикой.


Параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
MySQL.Host Хост базы данных.
MySQL.Port 3306 Порт базы данных.
MySQL.Username root Имя пользователя базы данных.
MySQL.Password passw Пароль
MySQL.Database rust_server Название БД.
MySQL.UTF8 true Поддержка UTF-8 (tru/false)

База пользователей

Параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
Database.Type File Тип базы данных. File - файловая, MySQL - База данных MySQL.
Users.VerifyNames false Проверять имена пользователей по регулярному выражению.
Users.VerifyChars "0-9a-zA-Z. !@#$%^&*()_-" Регулярное выражение для имен пользователей.
Users.UniqueNames true Уникальные имена (true/false).
Users.BindingNames true Закрепление имен к SteamID
Users.DefaultRank 0 Ранг для новых игроков
Users.PremiumRank 1 Ранг для VIP игроков
Users.DisplayRank false Отображение ранга (true/false)
Users.AutoAdminRank 3 Минимальный ранг для задания админских прав.
Users.PingLimit 0 Лимит панга. Игроки будут кикнуты с сервера, если пинг превышает заданное значение. 0 - отключить.

Настройка администрирования

Параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
Admin.Godmode true Режим Бога для админа (true/false).
Admin.InstantDestory true Быстрое уничтожение объектов. Админ уничтожает объекты с одного удара (true/false)

Параметры игроков и объектов

Параметр Значение по умолчанию Описание
Avatar.AutoSave.Interval 1250 Время в миллисекундах, в течение которого аватары будут автоматически сохраняться.
Object.Lootable.Lifetime 1800 Время в секундах, в течение которого будут сохраняться упавшие рюкзаки умерших игроков.

// Whitelist properties Whitelist.Enabled=false // Enable/Disable whitelist system Whitelist.Refresh=false // Enable/Disable refresh whitelist from file Whitelist.Interval=600 // Time in seconds for refresh whitelist from file

// TruthDetector Management Truth.Punishment=Notice,Kick // Punishment for player violation, can be set of (NONE, NOTICE, KILL, KICK, BAN) Truth.ReportRank=2 // Minimum rank level for staff users to report about punishment in chat. Truth.MaxViolations=3 // The maximum count of violations for a player, before ban (0: disables ban punish). Truth.ViolationDetails=true // Output in server console a violation details Truth.ViolationTimelife=180 // The time life in minutes of one violation Truth.ViolationColor=#FF4242 // Color of text for punishment messages to players in game chat. Truth.CheckAimbot=true // Enable/Disable check players to aimbot hack Truth.CheckWallhack=true // Enable/Disable check players to wall hack Truth.CheckJumphack=true // Enable/Disable check players to jump hack Truth.CheckSpeedhack=true // Enable/Disable check players to speed hack Truth.CheckShootRange=true // Enable/Disable check players to weapon shoot range hack Truth.MaxMovementSpeed=10.0 // Maximum movement speed for a player, default: 10.0 (server.sendrate=5, server.framerate=30) Truth.MaxJumpingHeight=8.0 // Maximum height for a player jumping, default: 8.0 (server.sendrate=5, server.framerate=30) Truth.MinShotRateByRange=2.5 // Minimum rate of shot per time by distance from attacker to victim for all weapons. Truth.MinShotRateByRange.P250=3.0 // Minimum rate of shot per time by distance from attacker to victim for P250 weapon. Truth.MinShotRateByRange.MP5A4=2.5 // Minimum rate of shot per time by distance from attacker to victim for MP5A4 weapon. Truth.MinShotRateByRange.M4=3.5 // Minimum rate of shot per time by distance from attacker to victim for M4 weapon. Truth.HeadshotThreshold=250 // Threshold of counter by amount of headshots from distance (250 = max. range of Bolt Action Rifle) Truth.HeadshotAimTime=10.0 // Time to aiming attacker on headshot of victim from distance Truth.Banned.BlockIP=false // Enable/Disable blocking IP for user after set ban. Truth.Banned.Period=10080 // Time in minutes for ban players (0=forever, 10080=week, 43200=30days) Truth.Banned.ExcludeIP= // Exclude IP for auto-block IP by TruthDetector Truth.RustProtect=false // Enable/Disable checking client by "RustProtect.dll" Truth.RustProtect.Key=0xED70FAE7 // Key for client to generate hash of all assembly files of client (individually for server) Truth.RustProtect.ChangeKey=true // Enable/Disable changing protection key every specified time on "Truth.RustProtect.ChangeKey.Time" Truth.RustProtect.ChangeKey.Time=600 // Time in seconds for changing protection key, when "Truth.RustProtect.ChangeKey" is enabled Truth.RustProtect.Hash=0xFFFFFFFF // Hash of all assembly files from client (calculated in clean client, with server.log > 2)

// Server Airdrop - Properties Airdrop.Enabled=false // Enable/Disable airdrop override Airdrop.Announce=false // Enable/Disable the announce the coming of an airdrop Airdrop.DropTime=true // Enable/Disable Calling airdrop by hours range of day time Airdrop.DropTime.Hours=13,19 // Hours range of day time for calling airdrop (can be 0..23) Airdrop.Interval=false // Enable/Disable Calling airdrop by real-time interval Airdrop.Interval.Time=3600 // Time in seconds of real-time interval between supply drops Airdrop.Planes=1 // Amount of planes in airdrop Airdrop.Drops=1,3 // Amount(min,max) of supplies to drop in airdrop

// Server Cycles - Properties Cycle.PvP=false // Enable/Disable toggle PvP mode on server by game time Cycle.PvP.Off=23 // Hour of game time for disable PvP on server Cycle.PvP.On=7 // Hour of game time for enable PvP on server Cycle.InstantCraft=false // Enable/Disable toggle instant craft on server by game time Cycle.InstantCraft.Off=0 // Hour of game time for disable instant craft on server Cycle.InstantCraft.On=6 // Hour of game time for enable instant craft on server

// Global Server Announces Announce.PlayerJoin=true // Enable/Disable the announce when the player joined Announce.PlayerLeave=true // Enable/Disable the announce when the player leave Announce.AdminConnect=false // Enable/Disable the announce when the admin join or leave Announce.DeathNPC=true // Enable/Disable the announce when a player died from NPC Announce.DeathSelf=true // Enable/Disable the announce when a player died himself Announce.DeathMurder=true // Enable/Disable the announce when a player kills another player Announce.KillNotice=false // Enable/Disable the notice for a killer when he kills victim

// Notice Messages From Server Notice.Connected.Enabled=true // Enable/Disable the notice(welcome) messages after player joined

// Communication - Properties Chat.Line.MaxLength=64 // Maximum length of text line in chat (splits text on lines for a display) Chat.System.Color=#7FFFFF // Color for "system" messages in chat Chat.Rank.3.Color=#FFFF8F // Color of "admin" rank for messages in chat Chat.Rank.5.Color=#AFAFFF // Color of "owner" rank for messages in chat Chat.Say.Icon="CHAT" // Icon for "chat" messages in chat Chat.Say.Color=#FFFFFF // Color for "chat" messages in chat Chat.Say.Distance=1000 // Distance of default messages (0 - all players) Chat.Yell.Key=! // Key for "yell" messages in chat (global) Chat.Yell.Icon="YELL" // Icon for "yell" messages in chat Chat.Yell.Color=#FFFF7F // Color for "yell" messages in chat Chat.Yell.Distance=0 // Distance of "yell" messages in chat (0 - all players) Chat.Whisper.Key=@ // Key for "whisper" messages in chat (closed range) Chat.Whisper.Icon="WHISPER" // Icon for "whisper" messages in chat Chat.Whisper.Color=#FF7FFF // Color for "whisper" messages in chat Chat.Whisper.Distance=50 // Distance of "whisper" messages in chat (0 - all players) Chat.Clan.Key=. // Key for "clan" messages in chat Chat.Clan.Icon="CLAN" // Icon for "clan" messages in chat Chat.Clan.Color=#7FFF7F // Color for "clan" messages in chat Chat.Divider=" ☢ " // Divider for name of messages in chat Chat.Command.Key=/ // Key for "command" in chat. Chat.Console=true // Output in server console game chat messages. Chat.Display.Rank=false // Enable/Disable display user rank name in chat Chat.Display.Clan=false // Enable/Disable display user clan abbrev in chat Chat.History.Private=true // Save private messages in history Chat.History.Commands=true // Save chat commands in history Chat.History.Stored=100 // Maximum count of stored lines for chat history Chat.History.Display=25 // Default count of lines for display from history Chat.MuteDefaultTime=1800 // Default time for muted players Voice.Notification=true // Enables/Disables the notification of voice Voice.NotificationDelay=1500 // Time in millisecons for delay of voice notifications

// Resources (Wood/Rock Piles, Flay Corpses) Resources.AmountMultiplier.Wood=1.0 // Multiplier for amount of resources for wood pile Resources.AmountMultiplier.Rock=1.0 // Multiplier for amount of resources for rocks pile Resources.AmountMultiplier.Flay=1.0 // Multiplier for amount of resources for animal corpse Resources.GatherMultiplier.Wood=1.0 // Multiplier for amount of resources for wood pile Resources.GatherMultiplier.Rock=1.0 // Multiplier for amount of resources for rocks pile Resources.GatherMultiplier.Flay=1.0 // Multiplier for amount of resources for animal corpse

// Ownership of Players - Settings Ownership.Destroy=false // Enable/Disable for all players destroy objects in their ownership (not effect on "/destroy" command) Ownership.Destroy.Instant=true // Enable/Disable instantly destroy objects for players ownership objects. Ownership.Destroy.AutoDisable=60 // Time in seconds for auto disabling destroy after enable, for players. Ownership.Destroy.NoCarryWeight=true // Enable/Disable destroy objects without carry weight Ownership.Destroy.ReceiveResources=false // Enable/Disable receive resources of deployed object for player after the destruction Ownership.Protect.PremiumUser=false // Enable/Disable container protection for premium players Ownership.Protect.OfflineUser=false // Enable/Disable container protection for offline players Ownership.Protect.SharedUsers=false // Enable/Disable access to protected container for players who shared by owner //Ownership.Protect.Container=Furnace // Name of container for protection (variable can be duped for other containers) //Ownership.Protect.Container=Wood Box // Name of container for protection (variable can be duped for other containers) //Ownership.Protect.Container=Wood Box Large // Name of container for protection (variable can be duped for other containers) //Ownership.Protect.Container=Small Stash // Name of container for protection (variable can be duped for other containers) Ownership.Attacked.Announce=true // Enable/Disable the announce when a player ownership in under attack Ownership.Attacked.PremiumOnly=false // Enable/Disable the announce a under attack message for premium player only Ownership.NotOwner.DenyBuild=false // Enable/Disable forbidden to build structure for not owner player Ownership.NotOwner.DenyDeploy=Sleeping Bag // Deny of placement a object into not owned of ownership zone (parameter can be repeated) Ownership.NotOwner.DenyDeploy=Bed // Deny of placement a object into not owned of ownership zone (parameter can be repeated)

// Counters of commands for Players Command.Home.Payment=1000 // Payment in currency to use this command (when economy is enabled) Command.Home.Timewait=20 // Time in seconds to wait for player before teleport to camp Command.Home.Countdown=1800 // Countdown of time in seconds before player can use "/home" again (1800: 30 mins, 0: disabled) Command.Teleport.Payment=0 // Payment in currency to use this command (when economy is enabled) Command.Teleport.Timewait=20 // Time in seconds to wait for player before teleport to player Command.Teleport.Countdown=20 // Countdown of time in seconds before player can use "/tp" again (300: 5 mins, 0: disabled) Command.NoPVP.Timewait=10 // Time in seconds to wait for player before disable PvP mode Command.NoPVP.Duration=600 // Duration of time in seconds for disabled PvP mode. (600: 10 mins) Command.NoPVP.Countdown=3000 // Countdown of time in seconds before player can use "/pvp" again (3000: 50 mins, 0: disabled)